Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cutting the stringers to height and building the motor box.

WOW!!! What a weekend. I really got in gear and got some stuff done. It is good to feel productive. I ended up adding three bulkheads between the stringer sets and I started to PB all the joints. The factory did not have any support from the inner stringers to the outer, so it should be bullet proof. It is going to be alot more work for me as far as glassing goes, but I do not mind. I tinkered with the PB recipe and found that too much 1/4" chopped fibers creates a mess. Just enough chopped and tons of cabosil was the ticket.

You will notice that my fuel vent hose is on the starboard side and has to penetrate the deck and both the stringers. That is where ALOT of water was getting in under the deck, and I want to eliminate that. I am going to relocate it to the rear of the boat where the fuel filler is. That way it never penetrates the deck.

Test fitting the Tank again

This is the kick out that I have to build to fit the Big Block. I have to glass the lower part of the stringer first before putting this in.

Everything cut to height

My helpers. For some reason they were by my side all day.

All the bulkheads are installed. This thing is going to be strong.

This is the PB mix I am using over all of the joints. This will help the glass lay across the bend better. You could use PL glue only, but this adds alot of strength.

I found that a big metal spoon dipped in acetone really helped smooth out the slop.

This was my idea for holding up the cover. Just some PVC PIPE and some elbows.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think foam helps retain the water and helps create condensation? I tend to think that the motor would make more noise than water splashing on the hull.
