Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Installing the Transom in the Boat

Now it is time to install the transom in the boat.

Here is what I did.

1. I sanded each surface one more time with my DA sander and 60 grit
2. Cleaned each surface with acetone
3. Mixed 3 quarts of resin, added my hardener, and then mixed in 1/4" Chopped fibers and cabosil until it reached Peanut Butter like consistency
3. I spread it on both surfaces about 1/4" thick and slapped it on.
4. Once in place I used 2X4 Clamps for pressure and I used the sqeeze out to make my fillets.


Now I mixed my resin very slow and it still went off in 20 minutes. Talk about close!. Also You can see in the pictures that I did not take the transom all the way to the drain hole (was like that from the factory), and added a 3/4" piece of PVC that leads to the drain. I then filleted the area with PB. There is no way water will get in that wood now.

My plan today is to tab (Attach the transom to the hull with fiberglass) in the transom with two layers of 1708 and then skin it with two layers of 1708.

Major Clampage!!

I alternated between the 2x4s being on end and laying flat

I took the thickened resin (peanut butter) and filled the void between the hull and the wood and then smoothed it out.

This is the new stern drain area. I did not bring the wood all the way down to the drain to prevent rot. The left over space I filled with PB and 3/4" pipe to allow water to escape to the rear. I will smooth out the burs later.

I added some 3/4" ply to the end of the longer boards to add clamping force to the outside of the transom.

This is a very long video


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